Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Brief Comment on Free Markets

Lose your hard-on for them!  I'm sorry, but the competition and the profit-system can not do anything for human needs.  The financial chaos we are in right now was created because we left the greedy bastards on Wall St. to their own devices.  For- profit health care is the reason why 44 million Americans are uninsured while the rest of us have shitty plans that could bankrupt the majority of Americans in an instant.  Homes are being foreclosed due to real estate speculation and the deregulation of Fannie and Freddie can attest to that.

I'm sorry, I like public education and think that teachers are important.  I think that the money we waste on two wars could go into making those better.  I'm sorry for thinking that a truly democratic government would act in the interests of the people and has done and will do a far better job in creating jobs, providing health care, schools, day care, banks, pensions, homes, infrastructure, libraries etc. than the market has done.  It leaves our lives and our happiness at the whims of their profit, and funnels the wealth we create to speculating, asshole, frat-boy, CEO's at the top.

Redistribute the wealth.  Nationalize Corporations and tax the rich.  Imprison white collar criminals.  Spend, spend, spend our resources to benefit the people.

Get over it.


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