Saturday, April 4, 2009

I loved I Love You, Man

It's unfortunate that a far less worthwhile movie gets more writing than I Love You, Man, but I had to let the world know how much "Merde" sucked.  Anyways, this was an amazingly hilarious comedy that we are coming to expect from the likes of Paul Rudd and Jason Segel.  It's not just funny, but also sweet and does not insult our intelligence.  I am very down for the "bromance" and continue to thoroughly enjoy these more interesting, smarter, and more complicated portrayals of manliness.  We don't have to be completely stoic, unfunny, retards and can go on man-dates in search of friends!  And while I think great comedies and comedians have done this throughout cinematic and television history, it really seems like this new renaissance of comedy has mastered it and continues to produce gold like I Love You, Man.  Rudd and Segel are an amazing comedic duo, and while this term has probably been played out, really do pull off a bromantic comedy.  I was rooting for them to be friends more than I wanted Pete to get with his wife.  The surrounding cast are all great, particularly Jon Favreau and Jamie Priestly, two people I love.  On top of other great familiar faces like Andy Samberg, J.K. Simmons, and Rashida Jones.  If you want to feel really really good after watching a movie, rush to the theaters and catch this.  I suggest it, tots mcgoats.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love I love you man. I love this review. I only wish I were a man so I could explore the world of mandates and bromances cherish it Steve never let your manhood go